Lead Service Line Replacement Calculator

Our groundbreaking calculator tool is designed to provide users with insights into their community's available funding for lead service line (LSL) replacements under the Bipartisan Infrastructure Law (BIL).

To receive a personalized report and in-depth analysis detailing how to optimize federal and state funding opportunities for an LSL replacement program, please complete all three sections of the requested information in the calculator below.

1. Community Details

Total number of lead service lines
A public LSL is the service line that runs from the water main to the curb, typically owned by the utility or municipality.
A private LSL is the service line that runs from the curb to the home, typically owned by the property owner.
Public and Private cost
A full replacement is the replacement of both the public and private LSLs.
A partial replacement is the replacement of only the public or private side LSL.
Current annual replacement volume
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Traditional Delivery


CBP3 Model Delivery


Savings Proposed


2. Bipartisan Infrastructure Law Funding Assumptions

Anticipated % of state BIL funding received
if you are not sure what this number is, please use a default value of 5%
Principal forgiveness %
if you are not sure what this number is, please use 49%
This is calculated automatically, no need to enter anything.
Please select the state in which you are located
BIL Term
Please select the term rate for the BIL funding. If you are not sure, please use 30
Please enter your e-mail address to see the results of your BIL Funding
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BIL Funding Available:


Lines Covered by Funding:


Total Loan Amount:

Total loan amount should not exceed proposed cost


Total Grant Amount:


Total Funding Gap:


To get the full report continue below

3. Your Details

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Full Report Includes:

  • Proposed Schedule
  • Cost per Year
  • Funding Available
  • Funding Gap
  • Annual Debt Service